Okay, so I'm no photographer! But this beautifully marked little beastie captivated me. At a Ballina roadstop on the way home from Brisbane - same one where Bruce took a picture of an ibis at take-off in 2005.
Monday, August 25, 2008
My Mum (right) and my aunt Gwen on horseback up in the timber country Murrindindi, Victoria. They are both gone now, but soon many of us are visiting their remaining siblings (the youngest Jacksons born to Evelyn and Harry) James and Margaret, both living in Qld. Should be a merry old time. Thanks to Gwen's son, my cousin Peter for this photo.
No botanist, I can't identify anything in this intriguing tangle of low grasses on the site of an old gold-mining town (Kiandra) in the Snowy Mountains. Rolling, deserted, grassy hills, great places for skylarks and pipits. Deep set stream running nearby.