Thursday, January 19, 2006

Tawny Frogmouth - Parramatta

Three open-eyed and open-mouthed tawny frogmouths were highly visible (for tawny frogmouths anyway) on this hot summer day in our neighbour's willow tree. Their plumage can resemble rough bark when they freeze into position in a eucalypt, but against the light green willow leaves they were soon picked out. We found two of these great birds dead in our back yards last year but a new nesting pair (with giant toddler in tow) have apparently moved in.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Eastern Water Dragon

We spotted this water dragon at Audley on the Port Hacking river - or rather he spotted us.

Bread is ignored but orange poppy seed cake is pursued. A rival hangs back and gets a few crumbs. Our new friend poses to give us all the marking necessary for id.

Sorry mate - no more cake - besides it's probably illegal to share it with you. How about apple? That's his tongue in the middle there, not our finger.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Creek Colours

Bushwalking with friends we were fascinated by the patterns of colour in this shallow creek a few metres from the beach. D. Meulman's was the best shot.

Fishing Cormorant

This cormorant checked us out several times while we fished in Jervis Bay. When he gave up on our luck, he'd fly off to another boat. Not the best photo to capture the marvellous detail of his bronze-tipped feathers.